It's been a big 24 hours for me.
Yesterday, I met Shabana Azmi. Today, my other blog, Filmi Geek, is a TypePad Featured Blog.
I will have more to say about that first bit later. For now, here's a bad, grainy, stalker-ish picture I snapped with my camera phone a couple of minutes after I met Shabana ji, while she was talking with someone else. The gray-haired fellow to the left is Shabana ji's equally revered and gifted husband, the screenwriter and songwriter Javed Akhtar.
And here's another one (again, bad light, bad color), taken about an hour later while Shabana ji and Javed sahib were taking questions from the largely student crowd. I don't know who the bald-headed guy in the middle of my shot is, but the woman whose face appears to be poking out of the upper-right quadrant of his head is my wonderful former Hindi teacher Naseem ji, who did me the honor of introducing me to Shabana ji at a moment when I was too flabbergasted and sweaty-palmed to do it myself.
As I said, more details to follow.
Congratulations Carla! So cool to be featured like this.
Posted by: abbyjane | November 10, 2006 at 06:27 PM
How WONDERFUL, Carla! What a dream come true! I have tickets for Kaifi Aur Main at Lincoln Center in NYC and am trying to finagle a way to meet the great Shabanaji myself! In any case, I look forward to reading more about your "darshan" soon. In the meantime, congratulations!
Posted by: Susan Murphy | November 10, 2006 at 10:59 PM
Susan, at last night's performance of Kaifi aur Main, Shabana ji and Javed sahib were available for autographs. (They were selling Shaukat's and Kaifi's books, proceeds to go to one of their charities, etc.) I didn't stick around because I was exhausted and a little embarassed to stalk her two days in a row; but if you are patient at the Lincoln Center show that might be a good opportunity to say hello to them.
Posted by: carla | November 11, 2006 at 08:21 AM
Thanks, Carla!
xo S
Posted by: Susan Murphy | November 11, 2006 at 10:51 AM
That's lovely. She has obviously had a huge impact on you - I think everyone should get to meet someone they've greatly admired from afar, at least once.
Posted by: Daddy's Girl | March 21, 2007 at 09:19 AM